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Welders are essential for buildings, bridges, equipment and so much more! Prepare for your future with a certificate or Associate of Applied Science (AAS) in Metal Fabrication and Welding from 哪个app可以赌足球. Work with your hands, be creative and live almost anywhere in the world when you choose this reliable career.


At 赌钱app可以微信提现, our metal fabrication and welding courses teach you the skills, techniques and resources to have a successful career in this trade.

作为一名焊工,每天都不一样. 你可以在某一天做以下任何一件事:

  • Measure dimensions of completed products or workpieces to verify specification conformance
  • 调整零件或工件以确保正确组装
  • 使用起重机或其他设备提升材料或工件
  • 操作焊接设备(SMAW, GMAW, GTAW, FCAW或SAW)
  • Review blueprints or other instructions to determine operational methods or sequences
  • Read work orders or other instructions to determine product specifications or materials requirements
  • Operate cutting equipment (oxyacetylene, plasma, CAC-A, saws and metal shears)

Students in our welding program can choose between two options:


Complete our 29 credit-hour certificate in as little as two semesters as a full-time day student. 你会学到安全知识, 金属和工作技能, while gaining experience working with materials and equipment. In this program, the focus is on stick, MIG (metal inert gas) and TIG (tungsten inert gas) welding.

Associate of Applied Science (AAS) in Metal Fabrication and Welding Technology Earn an associate degree in Metal Fabrication and Welding Technology in just two years as a full-time student at 赌钱app可以微信提现. In addition to the certificate courses and general education credits, 学生将学习焊剂芯焊接, 机床加工和制造实践.


赌钱app可以微信提现’s 金属加工/焊接 training allows you to learn in small, hands-on classes from seasoned instructors who have years of experience in the field.

我们的大多数教员都是 合格焊接检验员. This ensures that they have the knowledge to prepare students for welding certification and qualification tests that are used by companies in the hiring process. These include:

  • OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) 30-hour General Industry Safety & 健康课程结业卡
  • AWS (American Welding Society) SENSE (Schools Excelling through National Skills) Level1
  • AWS SENSE Level2

您还将了解 AWS SENSE, a comprehensive set of minimum standards and guidelines for welding education programs.

完成学位后,你的记录会保持在 AWS 注册三年,不收取任何费用.

If you’re considering 转学到四年制大学 to further your education, look into our transfer agreements with Ottawa University, Pittsburg State University, and Kansas State University.


The 金属加工/焊接 program is intended to give you the welding skills needed to be successful in the industry. To reinforce the soft skills expected, you will also often have your grades affected by:
  • 遵守所有安全规则.
  • 按时上课
  • Ability to stay on task during classes (leave your phones in the car!)
  • 在老师规定的截止日期前交作业
  • 能够解释课本上的概念
  • Ability to follow written and verbal instructions in various formats
  • Ability to adjust to different procedures in different classes
  • 确保所需设备齐全, including personal protective equipment (PPE) is purchased and maintained
  • 能够看到正在进行的工作. We strongly recommend 做积家J2的12英寸视力检查.
You should have an eye exam and, if needed, prescription glasses within the last 12 months. Prescription safety glasses are available from many optometrists and can be more comfortable than wearing an extra set over prescription glasses. These safety glasses MUST have the ANSI Z87 markings and appropriate lenses. The welding industry commonly uses the Jaeger test as a standard to ensure welders and inspectors have acceptable vision to see welds and their flaws.
Justin L., 赌钱app可以微信提现 graduate

"我觉得焊接课程很棒. 新实验室是很棒的福利, but the best part was that the instructors seemed genuinely interested in helping students get jobs in the industry. Scott Crompton was the best; he helped me get my current job as a welder."

日间课程需要部门批准 See how to apply

认证焊工有很多工作机会. 事实上,几乎每个行业都需要焊工. Welders are needed to:

  • 建造桥梁和建筑物
  • 制造食品服务和医疗设备
  • 维护和修理焊接
  • Work on pipelines
  • Operate welding robots
  • 维护航空设备

焊接职业的可能性是无限的. 超过80%的制成品使用焊接. Skilled welders, cutters, steel fitters and brazers are in high demand as metropolitan areas grow and aging infrastructure needs repairing and replacing across the country.

增加你的就业机会, 你也会学到一些“软”技能, such as business management and verbal and written communications.

The U.S. Department of Labor compiles statistics on the careers involving welding. You'll find information specifically related to careers in Kansas, 包括工资信息和工作前景.

Download the 焊接计划展望(PDF) 就业预测和薪资信息.

在职业决策方面需要帮助? Visit the 职业发展中心.

The cost of going to college can drastically impact your ability to succeed. 在哪个app可以赌足球, we want our students to be able to afford a program that they love. That’s why we’re constantly working to make tuition more affordable for you.


Textbook and other supply costs vary depending on your courses.

There are several things to consider when budgeting for college. Visit our 出勤费用页面 详细信息.


Being a student at 赌钱app可以微信提现 means you have access to a range of services and resources to help you succeed. We offer professional tutoring and small, personalized class sizes. When you attend 哪个app可以赌足球, your education truly matters.

上学的费用可能令人望而生畏. Fortunately, our Financial Aid 办公室的人会帮你完成这个过程. 我们的顾问可以帮助你找到资助你上学的方法, 包括奖学金和学生贷款, both of which can help to reduce the cost of your tuition every semester.

If you need help discovering what your passion will be post-graduation, our 职业发展中心 and Academic Counseling 服务是很好的支持工具.

你也可以继续你的教育 转学到四年制大学. 赌钱app可以微信提现 is here to help make the transition to another college program easy and stress-free.